Wow AddressBookSafe

Ask yourself this question "If my disk crashed, what data would I miss the most?" Most home users, and many business users would reply, "My e-mail address book list." Wow Address Book Safe (ABS) allows you to save this file in a safe place, where it is accessible only to you from anyplace on the Internet.

Address Book Safe FAQ

Why is the Wow Address Book Safe better than a Floppy Disk?

You can. (Have you done it?). If you are as disorganized as most people are you will probably lose the disk. ABS offers you a back up that you can’t lose. You can retrieve in from the Web no matter where you are.

How safe is it?

We will never violate your trust, or use the date on your files in any way. See the discussion of privacy on the InterGuru Mail Conversion page for our policy.

What does it cost?.

The first 90 days are free. Payment of the shareware fee of $20 (US) extends the service for two years. After that each additional 2 years cost $20.

What happens to my data if my service has expired?

It will be kept for 90 days. You can access it after renewing the service.

Can I protect other files with the WOW Address Book Safe?

You can actually deposit any kind of file, not just address books. Each file must be smaller that 137k, and each account is restricted to 500k.

How can I get my address book back?

From anywhere on the Web, go to . You need your user ID and password. If you find that address to hard to reember, go to and follow the links.

What happens if I lose my user ID and/or password?

Send a note to , and you will get your ID and password back, but only if the request came from your registered e-mail address. The information will be sent to the registered address.

©Capital &Corporate Ltd (service) & Joseph Davidson (software)

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This service is a joint venture of InterGuru and Wow Television International
